Our Supporters
Photo: Courtesy of StopWaste and Center For Environmental Health
Without our Supporters, we don’t exist.
HERO: Cumulative support of $25,000+
Jody Foldesy
Daniel Deutsch Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation
CHAMPION: Cumulative support of $10,000+
The Catesby Foundation
Elizabeth Hormel
John Charles Meyer & Jennifer Etienne Eckert
MEDALIST: Cumulative support of $5K+
Kaze Design
Patrick R. Krill
Erick Mullen
Travis Schuldt & Natalie Zea
PACESETTER: Cumulative support of $2,500+
Rachael Berkey
Break Free From Plastic
Achim Dettweiler
Ferrari Talent
Amy Retzinger & Luis Pires
Purpose Pictures LLC
Melanie & James Renfroe
Lincoln Ruchti
StopWaste of Alameda County CA
World Centric
Join Us!
Recurring Donors are our lifeblood
PLATINUM PLATTER: $135+/month recurring supporter
Achim Dettweiler
Daniel Knight
Mullen Family
GOLDEN CUP: $63+/month recurring supporter
Amy Retzinger & Luis Pires
Ferrari Talent
Purpose Pictures, LLC
SILVER SPOON: $28+/month recurring supporter
Timothy Clark
k8 damon
The Hansen Family